Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wednesday's 9/22 Second Street Open Mic

It was just another Wednesday open mic night at Second Street last week.  Friendly staff to greet you as you walk in the door.

Good beer, good food, good vibe.  The House Band kicked off the music with a bit of C-minor jazz, led off, in case nobody noticed, by (bass) Case.

They were followed by this pair of cowboys where were obviously thrilled to be playing together...  Just joking -- Dave and Steve are good friends and sounded great together.

Next up was Justin Bieb..., er, I mean Mohit.  Check out his Watchtower.

Now check out Mohit's dad checking out Mohit.

But wait!  There's more!  Now check out Mohit's girlfriend Maddie doing this quiet little solo piece.

Finally we had Mellisa Andrew doing an original of theirs called Oleander, performed with Case and "Brushes" Britt Alexander backing them up.

See you next time.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday's 9/15 Second Street Open Mic

We had our usual good turn-out at Second Street last night.  Rumor has it that Justin Bieber showed up for a brief rock star appearance.

Otherwise it was just your typical fun evening of food, friends and good beer.

See you this week...


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday's 9/8 Second Street Open Mic

I don't have time this week for an extensive post, so we'll just cut to the money shot:  Frank Schmitt ambling along down this little number.

The dancers were pretty awesome too.

See you next time.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wednesday's 9-1-2010 Open Mic

Lest there be any misunderstanding,

The friendly, professional Open Mic House Band (TM) is happy to serve your musical needs, every Wednesday night at the Second Street Brewery.

There are always picturesque people.

Miguel has been a visitor lately.  Check him out on this number.

With the help of "Brushes Britt" Alexander, this bit popped out, led by Sadhouse Daddie's lead singer Ashleigh.

It's all good, the more, the merrier.  See you next time.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday's 8-25 Open Mic

There was a whole bunch of good music last week at Second Street.  Visiting musicians included Janos, Ashley, Miguel, Dave, Vinson, Frank, and John.  See if you can pick them out.

There was so much good stuff I had trouble picking what to put up here.  I finally decided on Ash's Dancing In The Streets, because it had such a good feel, what with Frank joining in with his Chet Atkins/Mark Knopfler sound, and everybody just being so mellow.

Please come by for this week's Open Mic!
